Sussex ArtBeat

Art on show in Brighton & Hove and Sussex

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About Sussex Artbeat

Sussex ArtBeat is Art on Show in Sussex, England. We provide a diary of art shows and exhibitions, information for artists, comment and discussion.

To follow this blog, or search for key words, use the sidebar on the right of this page.

Sussex ArtBeat is a not for profit enterprise run by volunteers. We like art. But more than that, we believe that art as a practice is good for people and community. We promote the idea of ‘art for all’ as a valuable goal for our society.

We list various kinds of information about Art Events in Sussex:

1. EXHIBITION VENUES that display Art. Must be located in Sussex, and open to the public at least one day a week at published times.
2. EXHIBITION EVENTS that display Art. Must be located at a Sussex VENUE. May feature Sussex and other artists.
3. ARTISTS  working at a Sussex Studio and showing art at a Sussex EVENT.
4. TRAINING EVENTS workshops, short and long training courses, life drawing, etc
5. NEWS about the above.

We also plan to organise community events and resources:

A. Organise competitions to promote comunity involvement and develop skills and encourage simply by showing it.
B. Provide a RESOURCE for artists: sources of funding, groups and meetings, places to practice art,
C. Lobby and promote a better dispensation for artists and encourage more people to live a creative life.