Sussex ArtBeat

Art on show in Brighton & Hove and Sussex

Jamie McCartney plans a breast cancer awareness project and issues a call for models

Jamie McCartney bra collage 2014

Jamie McCartney bra collage 2014

Brighton artist Jamie McCartney has issued a call for models willing to help him create a “wall of breasts” that he says will help raise awareness of breast cancer and raise money for breast cancer charities.

Jamie McCartney is an established artist, often in the media, and has an international reputation as a leading voice in sociopolitical and provocative art. His experimental artworks include the notorious Great Wall of Vagina sculpture, comprising plaster casts of 400 women’s vulvas.

McCartney has now turned his artistic eye towards the fight against breast cancer. Using a unique, photographic process he is creating a wall of breasts and a wall of bras which will help raise money for breast cancer charities and raise awareness about this massively important issue, now described and an epidemic. He needs 288 more women to model for him to complete the project. It is fast, fun and for a fab cause. Grab some mates head down to Jamie’s huge new studio in Hove.

Contact Jamie on: or 07961 338 045.

Jamie McCartney_boob collage

About braveadmin

I'm an artist, counsellor and bodycare practitioner. I live in Brighton, England

2 comments on “Jamie McCartney plans a breast cancer awareness project and issues a call for models

  1. Isn’t it ironic?

    • braveadmin
      March 7, 2014

      Thanks for your comment, Jennifer. Though it is a little cryptic, I included it because it does represent a little query that several people have raised in connection with Jamie McCartney’s work. You might be wondering if women’s health is the main reason Jamie is interested in women’s breasts. I did take part in his public workshop ‘Art vs Porn’ (22 February 2014, Brighton Warehouse), and would like to report Jamie says he does enjoy his job, and the human body, and sexuality. But he take his art very seriously. He says his public presentation of a wide variety of ordinary sexual body parts (which are taboo in most societies), is good for society, which suffers from a “mind body split” – and is good for people, some of whom suffer negative body image because of how society and the media portray our bodies. Jamie’s supporters think he is doing good things to ease sexual hang ups. Jamie is keen to engage the public with this debate – see his website
      However, Jamie’s work is banned in Japan as ‘obscene’. I think it is worth considering whether this is so. But in the meantime – in my capacity as editor of Sussex Artbeat, including Jamie’s work in the review of art in Sussex – I perceive his work as art.

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This entry was posted on February 21, 2014 by in Brighton, News Views and tagged , , , , , , , , .